pag 7 Databasepro00 English




DATABASEPRO00 is a database personal and professional program. DATABASEPRO00 stores in a database file all the data that you insert. You can insert any kind of data.

The records are stored in a SQLlite database file. The files are stored in your phone hard drive. You can copy the files to your pc or to any hard drive. The files are stored in the following directory of your telephone hard disk


Databasepro00 is a relational and multimedia database program. It is possible to select values for any field, from those that have been previously inserted in any table of the database file. It is possible also play multimedia files (from the different android 1.6 formats). The path of files must be selected and inserted in any field of a table, from the memory card.

For creating a database Databasepro00. First create the file from the main window menu. Then create the tables from the same menu. Finish inserting the data in the records of the table.

Databasepro00 has the following work windows:

1 Editing records window ( relational and multimedia ).
2 List records window ( where it is also possible to delete selection records ).
3 Selection records window ( up to five selection conditions and one ordering key ).
4 Calculations window ( different calculation options and selection of records ).
5 Sql queries window. Execution and data queries. With all the powerful of the sql language.
6 Fields information of the table window.
7 Import and Export windows to text files ( 100% Ms Windows compatible, Excel, Ms Word, Open Office etc.)
8 Creating database files and tables windows.


Different file formats of a Databasepro00 table:

INTEGER - Numbers without decimals. It is recommended not using separators, example 10000. This format has a limit of 10 digits.

REAL - Numbers with decimals. It is recommended not using separators, only use the decimals separator with a point, example 100.001 . If you use decimals in numbers longer than six digits, the program will show the numbers in a exponential format and rounded.

NUMERIC - For numbers with and without decimals. It is recommended not using separators, only use the decimals separator with a point, example 100.001 . For numbers with out decimals has a limit of 19 digits. If you use decimals in numbers longer than six digits, the program will show the numbers in a exponential format and rounded.

TEXT - For any kind of text format. It has not maximum length.

BLOB - Similar to the TEXT format, but in a binary format.

DATE01 - For dates. It is a specific Databasepro00 format. Date format in the edit window - yymmdd 110531 or yyyy-mm-dd 2011-05-31 . In any other window should be used only the format yyyy-mm-dd 2011-05-31 .

For advanced users:

Sqlite process all the field formats as text format, except for the integer autoincrement format. If it is unchecked the format fields checking in the editing window. Then it is possible to use any kind or data format in any field format. The Sqlite file will accept it.

All the tables created with Databasepro00 begin with a field called _id ,of the integer primary key autoincrement format. This field is necessary for some internal operations.


The indexes are created in the creation tables window (field creating subwindow). Indexes keep information about records, that increase the speed in the selections and ordering processes. But also the database need more space in the hard drive and takes more time when inserting and deleting records. Due that Sqlite has to update the indexes.


Databasepro00 is a relational and multimedia database program. When editing records it is possible to select values for any field, from those that have been previously inserted in any table of the database file. For this purpose keep clicked for a second the field button and the select the table and field values.

It is possible also play multimedia files (from the different android 1.6 formats). The path of files must be selected and inserted in any field of a table, from the memory card. For this purpose keep clicked for a second the field button and then select the option for multimedia files. Once is configured this option, when clicking on the field button, the selecting files window will appear. If it is already selected one file, the program will play it. If you want to change the path of a file, first delete the text of old one and select a new one.



The text files always finish the name with the extension .TXT (this is a point and the letters TXT).

The text files are used in most of the word process, spread sheets and data base programs of the market. The records included in a text file (with extension .TXT), that will be imported to a Databasepro00 file (witch are data base files with extension .DB) must have one strict format.

Usually the data base and spread sheets programs, export to text files in different formats. The format used in Databasepro00 is named :

Fields separated with tabs (tab character). Records separated with line breaks (new line character).

In Windows programs is normal to add a carriage return (carriage return character) after the line breaks. Which will work too.

The text files have different codifications. Android uses the character codification called Unicode UTF-8. This means that the text files that will be imported in Databasepro00 must have this codification.

Ms Excel or Oracle Open Office spread sheets, export and import text in Unicode UTF-8 format. However actually both of them have bugs (errors). They have little problems with some characters. When this happens it is necessary to open the text file with programs like the Ms Note Pad or the Ms Word. Then copy the file to the clipboard (select all the text and copy it ). Then paste the text in the spread sheets. This can be done in the inverse way as well.

When you create one spread sheet with data that will be imported in Databasepro00. Usually it is possible to save the spread sheet to text format directly. It is not necessary to specify any thing about tabs or line breaks. But it is usually needed when you open a text file in the spread sheet program directly.

Data bases, spread sheets and word process programs use to export and import directly to text files. The text file is an universal format.

In the spread sheets the editing records for Databasepro00 it is very fast. On the other hand it is very fast and useful to work with this data in the telephone. You can use the spread sheet and then export the the records to Databasepro00 through a text file. Or in the inverse way.

The spread sheets place the fields of the records in the same line and in different columns contiguous from left to right. The records are placed in contiguous lines one following the other. When the spread sheet is saved as a text file or copied to the clipboard. The spread sheets programs insert automatically the tabs between the fields and the line breaks at the end of the records.